Heather Amler

I want to build something awesome and develop with you.


Cool Chat

A chat application to send data with a time stamp and to update our chats to show the most recent posts.

HTML, SASS, Yeoman, Bootstrap, jQuery, Underscore.js.

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Surf and Paddle

Given an assignment to create a static pixel perfect webpage referencing a flat png file provided.


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To-Do App

A simple to-do list application that allows users to add, edit, complete, and delete tasks.

HTML, SASS, Javascript, jQuery, Underscore.js, Backbone.js,

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Photo Gallery

Created a photo gallery which can edit and add new images to a Node.js server.

HTML, SASS, Yeoman, Bootstrap, jQuery, Underscore.js

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Created social application that allows users to join safaris within their neighborhood & upload selfies.

HTML5 Geolocation, Google Maps JavaScript API v3, jQuery, Underscore.js, Parse

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Design Experience







Originally from Florida, I have gradually moved north over the years before setting down roots in Charlotte, NC. I'm excellent at juggling multiple tasks, working under pressure, and love being part of a collaborative team. My experience includes Marketing & Graphic Design, Customer Service, and managing Print Production. I have recently completed an intensive front-end engineering course at the Iron Yard and have a desire to find a role where I can continue growing my development skills.


Feel free to send me a note at heather@heatheramler.com